Data Resources

The SEOW aims to connect people to data. As part of that goal, we have compiled frequently used data dashboards specific to substance use in Colorado and the United States. The dashboards are neither owned nor operated by the SEOW.

Additionally, the SEOW supports using data in service of equity. The SEOW developed a data equity checklist to support data users in considering how structural inequities, cultural bias, and stereotypes interact with data collection, analysis, and interpretation. 

Data Resources in Support of Equity

Are you using data in service of equity?

The SEOW created a Data Equity Checklist for data users to ensure they are using best practices when it comes to collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data using an equity lens.


Root causes

What root causes of inequities can you address through data analysis?

Additional key perspectives

What opportunities exist for  involving additional perspectives data collection, analysis, and interpretation?

Data interpretation

How does data interpretation reflect cultural bias or stereotypes? What are alternative explanations for observed findings? 

Conclusions and Recommendations

How do our conclusions and recommendations perpetuate or dismantle structural inequities, cultural bias, or stereotypes?

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